Testimonial Letter for Reverend Kelly Kosky, South Africa
“For as much as you have done this for one of the least among you….”
In my capacity serving under Ambassador Donald Gips, as Consular
General representing the people of the United States in the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape Provinces of the Republic of South Africa. I am delighted to recognize an extraordinary U.S. citizen whose impact on this region is legendary. Reverend Kelly Kosky, along with his wife, Kathy and their children, has represented the values and ideals of America for 22 years as of April 1, 2010. As Christian Missionaries, they chose to help those most in need during a period of great political, economic, educational and spiritual need. That effort continues to this day.
In November 2009, I had the honor of visiting the former Transkei – a political homeland under the South African Apartheid Government. The end of Apartheid did not end; indeed, it may well have worsened the poverty, poor health, lack of jobs, used of alcohol and drugs, and violence of a basic rural community. I visited shining examples of hope that have sprouted from seeds planted years ago by Rev. and Mrs. Kosky. The Gatyana Bible College of the Primary School and the Grace Children’s Center provide that educational, spiritual and healthy assistance so much required by the people of the area. Their generous grants allow aspiring ministers to have their biblical knowledge, as well as their, counseling, pastoral and preaching skills increased and improved. Bursary assistance provided by the Koskys for the top-ranked students who are completing primary schools in on the most distant rural areas ensures the students’
Successful transition to secondary schools in towns away from family and friends. Kelly’s donations over several year had served as an inspiration to some local leaders who had taken up the challenge and are now providing bursaries also. Two teachers were also rewarded for their dedicated service; an all too rare commodity in rural South African Schools.
In the Western Cape, Khayelitsha is the largest informal settlement/township with more than 500,000 residents, most who live in tin corrugated shacks. The prevalence of HIV and AIDS is in excess of 10%. In 2005, Kelly and his family built the first Youth Health Clinic on property that they owned. It still serves as one of only two health facilities specifically designated for youth. It also provides care for the large patient load of all the clinics in the area for the prevention and treatment of HIV and TB.
These works speak of the Kosky family’s commitment to helping global neighbors. Their actions speak louder than idle words. However, more important than actions or words is the spirit of their commitment. Even during the recent medical trials that Kelly underwent, he was thinking of and planning for the people helps on a regular basis.
This letter serves only as a testimony to the man, his family, their works and their spirit. I proudly proclaim them as great Americans doing great work for South Africa’s most needy. They make us Proud.
Sincerest regards,