World Outreach Ministries, Inc. was established in 1979 and has a rich history of helping humanitarian workers and missionaries around the world. We serve as the Stateside office for these individuals and families and provide them with a variety of services. Each individual must successfully pass through an extensive application process. In over 40 years of helping mission workers, I have worked with well over 1,000 missionary families. Kelly and Kathy are some of the best.
It is my privilege to write this letter of recommendation for Kelly and Kathy
Kosky and their ministry in Africa. We have known Kelly and Kathy Kosky for over 30 years. We have watched them serve the native people of the Transkei region in Africa – and, serve the USA churches who sponsor them. In all seasons of life, we can attest to their character of integrity, honesty, and humility. Even when Kelly lost his leg in a tragic accident, his faith and character never wavered. He successfully passed through a test that would have stopped most workers.
Kelly is a unique individual who has displayed the qualities of one with an apostolic calling. He has evangelized, planted hundreds of churches, established a Bible School for nationals, and developed a medical clinic. Like the apostle Paul, Kelly has had those who have opposed him due to jealousy or envy – but Kelly has often said to me, “What would Jesus do? “
I can fully endorse and recommend Kelly and Kathy and their ministry. Even in their senior years, they are continuing to oversee the work, coordinate new frontiers, and travel back and forth to Africa. Let this letter serve to validate their ethical Christian character and sacrificial lifestyle. Without reservation, I can call them true friends and co-workers in the Gospel.