In my official capacity as a governmental leader, I would like to thank Rev Kelly Kosky for his efforts help the disadvantaged people, in establishing the HIV / AIDS project, here in Khayelitsha, our largest township. Prior to Rev Kosky establishing this project, there was few resources for those afflicted with HIV / AIDS. But by his fortitude and sacrifice, we now have a medical facility where the people can go to for testing, treatment, and care. His service to the people will stand as an example for other NGOs to follow.
It is my honor to present to Rev Kelly Kosky this Certificate of Recognition Award, on behalf of the Council. This Certificate of Recognition Award expresses the Council’s gratitude and appreciation to Rev Kelly Kosky and for his contribution to the welfare of the citizens.
Rev Kosky will long be know as a champion of those who are disadvantaged. It is an honor to know Rev Kosky and for government to work jointly with Rev Kosky.